NewsMother Sentenced for Fatally Starving 31lb 8-Year-Old Autistic Child

Mother Sentenced for Fatally Starving 31lb 8-Year-Old Autistic Child

A Michigan woman, 35-year-old Mia A. Morrow, has been sentenced to 25 to 50 years in prison for the second-degree murder of her 8-year-old son, Jaxson Morrow, who was severely emaciated and weighed just over 30 pounds at the time of his death. Berrien County Judge Charles LaSata handed down the sentence on Monday after Mia pleaded guilty in August, prosecutors confirmed.

Both Mia and her husband, Brian R. Morrow, were arrested in June 2022 and charged with first-degree murder, possession of methamphetamine, and possession of dimethyltryptamine (DMT) in connection with Jaxson’s death. Mia’s charge was reduced to second-degree murder as part of a plea deal, in which she agreed to serve a minimum of 25 years in prison. Last month, Brian pleaded no contest to second-degree murder and awaits sentencing next month.

Brian R. Morrow Berrien County Jail
Brian Morrow

Before delivering the sentence, Judge LaSata chastised Mia for failing to protect her autistic son as he withered away. On May 3, 2022, police found Jaxson lying dead on a couch in the family’s living room after responding to a 911 call. An autopsy later concluded that Jaxson’s death resulted from neglect.

Mia admitted to police that she and her husband should have taken Jaxson to the emergency room the day before his death due to his breathing issues. The parents also confessed that Jaxson had actually died the previous day but did not notify authorities or anyone else. Mia claimed she did not want to “let go” of her son, while Brian wanted to give his wife time with their child before the police arrived. Both parents tested positive for meth on the day of their arrest.

Child Protective Services (CPS) had previously investigated the couple multiple times for their treatment of Jaxson. The couple withdrew Jaxson from the LOGAN Autism Learning Center, claiming they were “sick of them calling CPS.” Furthermore, Brian’s daughter, who once lived with the Morrows, informed investigators that the couple often locked Jaxson in his bedroom because he “smelled like urine” and did not like to deal with him. She described Jaxson as “so skinny you could put your finger around his arms.”

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